This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) outlines how Speed Link, the mobile application (“App”) developed and operated by Ghana Post Limited collects, uses, shares, and protects user information. This Policy is designed to inform users (“Customers”) about the types of personal data that may be collected, the purposes for which it is collected, and the measures taken to safeguard their privacy.

  • Information Collected: 
    • a. Personal Information: The App may collect personal information such as names, contact details, and addresses when users register or create orders. 
    • b. Order Information: The App collects data related to customer orders, including delivery preferences, locations, and any other information required for efficient service.
    • Use of Information: 
    • a. Order Management: Personal information and order details are used for the creation, processing, and management of customer orders.
    •  b. Real-time Feedback: Customer feedback and analytics are utilized to enhance the quality of services, track COD payments, and improve overall customer satisfaction. 
    • c. Delivery Tracking: Information regarding the various stages of delivery is used to provide real-time tracking services to customers.
  • Data Sharing: 
    • a. Third-Party Service Providers: Speed Link may share necessary information with third-party service providers, such as the delivery company (GH Post), for the sole purpose of order fulfillment and delivery tracking. 
    • b. Customer Support: Information provided by customers through the Customer Support feature is used to address and resolve reported issues, with feedback given directly to the customer.
    • Data Security
    • a. Encryption: User data is encrypted during transmission to ensure secure communication. 
    • b. Access Control: Access to user information is restricted to authorized personnel only.
  • Data Retention: 
    • a. Customer Accounts: Personal information is retained as long as the customer’s account is active or as needed to provide services. 
    • b. Order History: Order details may be retained for analytical and record-keeping purposes.
    • User Control: 
    • a. Account Settings: Customers have the option to manage and update their personal information through the App’s account settings. 
    • b. Communication Preferences: Users can choose their communication preferences and opt-out of certain communications.
  • Updates to the Privacy Policy: 
    • a. Notification: Users will be notified of any significant changes to the Privacy Policy. 
    • b. Consent: Continued use of the App after policy changes implies user consent to the updated terms.
  • Compliance with Laws: 
  • a. Ghanaian Laws: The App operates in accordance with relevant data protection laws in Ghana.

By using the Speed Link App, customers acknowledge and agree to the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy. For any inquiries or concerns regarding privacy matters, please contact

Date of Last Update: 24th January 2024