The Asante Empire was an Akan state that lasted from 1701 to 1901, in what is now modern-day Ghana and developed into what is now central Ghana around the 13th century. By the 17th century, it rose to prominence as the major player in the gold trade.  At the height of the Ashanti empire, the Ashanti people became wealthy through military prowesswealth (both the slave trade and gold trade), architecture, sophisticated hierarchy and culture.

The political organization of the historical Ashanti Empire was characterized by stools which denoted “offices” that were associated with a particular authority). According to oral tradition, Okomfo Anokye, the chief priest and adviser of Osei Tutu, brought down the stool from the sky to the earth and demanded that all chiefs of the Ashanti city-state surrender their stools and recognize the supremacy of the Golden Stool as the most powerful of all because it was the office of the King of the Ashanti Empire. The Golden Stool status was the most powerful of all stools or “offices” in the Ashanti Empire and was occupied by the Asantehene (King). It became the spiritual center of the Empire. 

Ashanti King Osei Tutu (1695 – 1717) and his adviser Okomfo Anokye established the Ashanti Kingdom, with the Golden Stool of Asante as a sole unifying symbol; built up an army by introducing new organization and turning a disciplined royal and paramilitary army into an effective fighting machine and fought several wars with neighboring kingdoms and lesser organized groups. He unified the Ashanti city-states into one empire and oversaw a massive Ashanti territorial expansion.



Born on 6th May 1950 and named Barima Kwaku Dua, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II is the youngest of the five children of Nana Afua Kobi Serwaa Ampem II, Asantehemaa (Queenmother of Asante). From early childhood, Barima Kwaku Dua came under the tutelage of his uncle, Oheneba Mensah Bonsu who had been enstooled as Hiahene in 1952. He, therefore, ensured that Barima Kwaku Dua benefited from a childhood of careful grooming in Asante traditions and statecraft.

Otumfuo Osei Tutu had his Secondary Education at Sefwi Wiawso Secondary School in the Western Region of Ghana, his guardian at the time was Nana Kwadwo Aduhene II, Omanhene (Paramount Chief) of Sefwi Wiawso Traditional Area. He returned to Kumasi in 1969 and enrolled at the Osei Kyeretwie Secondary School, then moved to Accra in 1971 and enrolled at the Institute of Professional Studies, Legon for a course in Accountancy. 

Two years later, he was in the United Kingdom to continue his Accountancy Studies at the Kilburn Polytechnic. He later attended the University of North London where he offered Human Resource Development and Public Administration.

Returning to Ghana in 1989, he established “Transpomech” International (Ghana) Ltd., from the great wealth of experience which he had gathered from earlier work life.   


Barima Kwaku Dua’s nomination to succeed his late brother Otumfuo Opoku Ware II, as Asantehene, was received with universal acclaim. He ascended Golden Stool with a natural gift of calm and radiance; courtesy and tact in dealing with both his peers and subjects, a virtue traditional leadership rest. From his grooming he had grown up with a conviction that traditional leadership rested on a capacity to reconcile, mend, heal wounds and motivate humanity.

On Monday, April 26, 1999, Brima Kwaku Dua was enstooled and ascended the Golden Stool as the 16th Asantehene, a pivotal role in the Ashanti Kingdom and highly revered. The Manhyia Palace is the seat of the Asantehene, located in Kumasi, the capital of Ashanti Region.


Otumfuo Osei Tutu II has won great admiration for his unique brand of leadership. Upon assumption of this high office with the enormous responsibilities that go with the position, he had exhibited the importance of peace, reconciliation, and stability to good governance in his Kingdom and beyond.

In recognition of this unique leadership role, the Government of Ghana appointed him Chairman of a Committee of Eminent Chiefs to resolve the Yendi Skin Affairs which had already resulted in the murder of the King of Dagbon and other sub-chiefs and whose effect was the looming conflict which could have destabilized the country.  Performing these tasks with great wisdom and tenacity of purpose he earns for himself remarkable respect both local and international. The vision of Otumfuo Osei Tutu II encompasses education, health, and economic development.

He has established a solid foundation for co-operation between tradition and modernism, by emphasizing the need for tradition to redefine itself in a rapidly changing world without losing ethical values.


Asantehene’s keen determination to enhance the quality of education of Ghana earned him a commendation from the Association of Commonwealth Universities, conferring on him the Symons Award in April 2000. Besides, International Universities have awarded him Honorary Doctorate Degrees.  To crown it all, he has been appointed Chancellor of one of the most prestigious universities in Africa and Ghana, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi.

He set up the “Otumfuo Education Fund” also to generate resources, for the less privileged across board in Ghana and the “Serwaa Ampem Aids Foundation” for children who have become victims of the HIV/AIDS pandemic. These two bodies operate under the umbrella of the “Otumfuo Osei Tutu II Foundation” whose mandate appears unrestricted, and which is doing remarkably well in supporting people in different spheres of endeavor.

Further, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, is into Health Fund, one he established to pursue a basic health care plan with laudable objectives including financial and material support for the reduction of maternal and infant mortality, glaucoma and other eye diseases, Buruli Ulcer (which has become the bane of many rural dwellers in the country), as well as the eradication of Guinea worm disease. In this vein, Otumfuo is supporting Rotary Club’s campaign to promote inoculation of children against the six killer diseases including polio is remarkable.

In his own initiative, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II secured a World Bank grant with the approval of the Government of Ghana for a pilot project entitled; “Promoting Partnerships with Traditional Authorities Project” (PPTAP). This initiative has thrown a challenge to most Traditional Leaders to demonstrate their capacity to use their own resources to partner projects with the financial support made available by the Government or the World Bank in community developments.

The Project has drawn traditional leaders into new learning process to lead their people in community development activities to create awareness for value of expansion and protection of cultural heritage, as well as maintaining efficient traditional court systems in conflict resolution.

Otumfuo’s initiatives cannot be concluded without including his vision of the setting up of an Asanteman Economic Revitalization Plan to promote private and corporate investment in local industries, re-afforestation, and irrigation programmes. With this initiative he has extended invitation to all prospective investors to Ashanti, with a firm promise of easy access to land.


Since ascending the throne Otumfuo has been the official host or guest to many world dignitaries such as keith rowling of Trindad & Tobago,King Charles of the United Kingdom,……………………..from the United Nations, Vatican –  The Holy Pope Francis to mention a few. He has also travelled the length and breadth of the world attending programmes, by special invitations or paying courtesy calls as situation demands.

Otumfou Osei Tutu II is worth celebrating his 25 years of successful reign on the Golden Stool of Asanteman is being trumpeted in the world of Philately. The Anniversary stamps commemorates his personality, kingdom developments, achievements, and the pride of the well preserved Asanteman’s rich culture, tradition, events, and regalia displayed through the work of the stamp designs.